The EUROPEAN model of IRIDOLOGY is the practice of examining the iris, the pupil and the sclera of our eyes to obtain information about our health and wellbeing. An iridology assessment is an investment in our present and in our future.Our eyes are unique, even more so than our fingerprints, even in identical twins. Our eyes provide information about our inner being; we can find a path to restoration and maintenance of our physical, emotional and spiritual health and a way of enhancing our life force.
SHAKESPEARE immortalised the value of the eyes when he said "The eyes are the mirror of the soul". The structures and colours in our eyes can help us understand ourselves better. We may find explanations to our chosen paths in life, our relationships and our interests.IRIDOLOGY is an ancient practice. The first recorded sources of eye analysis reach back to 1000 B.C. in India, Egypt and China.
TODAY, here in Christchurch, I offer this valuable service, based on the European model of iridology, a little different from the traditional Jensen model. I want to create a safe space where you can experience being seen, heard and understood. While focusing whatever aspects of themselves each individual wants to find about I also want to share with them what I can see - who they really are, their true gifts and potentials, and how they can best reach their goals and aspirations in life based on their unique Flower or Jewel qualities.
As a general rule, anyone at any age can have an iridology assessment done, however, with children this may vary as sometimes little children are not very compliant!
Your first appointment
Iridology provides a non-invasive method of determining our inherent and acquired dispositions so that we can make the right choices regarding our current and future health prospects. An iridology analysis can empower us with the right information to adjust our diet and lifestyle in order to bring about the best version of ourselves that we can be.
Constitutional Analysis
Its all about what we do with what we get. The European model of Iridology says that we are born with a set constitution, inherited from our parents and grandparents. It then becomes unique as we live our lives and adapt to our physical, mental, emotional or spiritual surroundings. We can't change what we have in our eyes, so it is a matter of knowing what suits us best, and then doing that.
How is the assessment done?
The assessment is simple, painless and non-intrusive. The first step is to look into your eyes using a small flashlight and magnifying glass, and then we take photos of your eyes with a special Iris Microscope. The European model of iridology is based on an approach where an evaluation of colour, structure and various other markings can tell us about specific predispositions each one of us have for our health.
We will then be able to analyse the photos on a computer screen and find the course of action that is best. One of the basic principles of healing is that the internal forces can be adjusted by altering diet and lifestyle habits.
We will then be able to analyse the photos on a computer screen and find the course of action that is best. One of the basic principles of healing is that the internal forces can be adjusted by altering diet and lifestyle habits.
Call me now, 03 343 4334 to request an appointment for:
Nutrition and IridologyPain and Injury Management with Microcurrent TherapyChildren's HealthNatural Health CareNatural Herbal Medicine
Nutrition and IridologyPain and Injury Management with Microcurrent TherapyChildren's HealthNatural Health CareNatural Herbal Medicine