fsm frequency speficic microcurrent therapy
Pain and Injury Management, Christchurch, NZ
What are Microcurrents?
Microcurrents are currents of a millionth of an ampere, same kind of current the body’s own cells produce so you can’t feel the current. FSM Frequency Specific Microcurrent is a treatment system using these currents and the resonance effect of these frequencies to create beneficial changes in health. Microcurrent has been shown to increase ATP energy production in cells by up to 500% and numerous papers document its ability to improve healing of wounds and fractures.
Is Microcurrent the same as Tens?
FSM Frequency Specific Microcurrent devices have 510K approval in the category of TENS devices for the treatment of pain. TENS devices deliver milli-amperage current and block pain messages that are trying to get up the spine to the brain. FSM Microcurrent devices on the other hand deliver subsensory micro-amperage current, which is 1000 times less than the milli-amperage current of the TENS devices. In other words Microcurrent devices have 1000 times less current than TENS devices but are in this category for regulatory reasons. FSM delivers the same type of current that our own cells produce naturally.
What is Microcurrent used for?
FSM Frequency Specific Microcurrent is mostly used to help with pain and discomfort that is a result of a wide variety of conditions that involve pain or inflammation. Here are just a few examples: FSM has an excellent track record with Fibromyalgia, Muscle, Tendon and Ligament pain, Ehlers Danlos, Joint hypermobility, Nerve pain, sports injuries or injuries from accidents, Back and Joint pain; Pain and discomfort from IBS, Crohns Disease, Ulcerative Colitis; Kidney stones; many women’s issues; Thyroid conditions such as Goiter and Hashimotos. And lets not forget Shingles, and the nerve pain that sometimes follows. People who are treated within four hours of an injury, such as a car accident, have reduced pain and an accelerated healing process. We have good success speeding recovery after a hip/knee replacement and other surgeries also.
Microcurrent is also standard care for many NHL players, Super Bowl teams and National and Olympic level athletes, and used in some hospitals in the United States.
Does FSM Frequency Specific Microcurrent work?
We have found that the key to successful outcomes is that we have a good understanding of the condition that is being treated, what areas of the body and which tissues are involved, and how it all came about. That is why I always spend some time understanding all the issues before we start with FSM. It is important to have the right information first so we can choose the best frequencies for each person. Another critical factor is that the person being treated needs be well hydrated for FSM Therapy to work – in other words if the person for any reason is unable to drink sufficient amounts of fresh water during their FSM therapy it will not work as well as it could for them.
Are Microcurrent results permanent?
Everyone responds individually but the changes to the body tissues seem to last until the next treatment, which is usually from four to seven days. Your body tissues have got used to being the way they are, and may return to the old configuration if not treated again, although some people have had permanent changes just from one treatment. After a few treatments the tissues tend to stay in the new configuration longer and longer until desired results have been achieved. Each treatment builds on the previous ones. Once the tissue is changed and stable it seems to be able to stay in the new configuration.
How often should you do Microcurrent?
Depending on the condition being treated and the individual’s initial level of discomfort the recommendation is once or twice per week. More frequent treatments bring about results quicker. Of course, this will depend on what each individual is prepared or able to do.
Does Microcurrent have side effects?
The most likely side effect from FSM treatments is a mild Detoxification Reaction. Detox Reaction is a result of toxins, which are already present in your system, being mobilised in order to eliminate them from your body. Your body can normally eliminate these toxins easily, but occasionally the amount of released toxins is greater than your ability to process them. Detox is most likely after treatments for Fibromyalgia, Lyme, Myofascial Programs, Digestive issues, or if you have had to use medications recently, or for a long time. The detox reaction usually only lasts 24 hours at the most and can include a headache, mild nausea, increased pain for the first 24 hours and “fuzzy thinking”. If your body experiences detox it is recommended you increase your water intake – 2 litres in the 2 hours following treatment, then 2 to 3 glasses per hour.
What are contraindications of Microcurrent?
People who should not receive FSM Frequency Specific Microcurrent treatment include those with pacemakers, those with implanted pumps, those who have uncontrolled seizures, and pregnant women. As a cautionary measure, here at West Melton Wellness this list also includes people who have an active cancer.
How much does Microcurrent treatment cost?
Here at West Melton Wellness the initial assessment costs $100 and each actual treatment is $150. Treatments vary from one to two hours in length. Prices may change without notice.
If you have any other questions feel free to ask. In the meantime relax, drink your water and enjoy the relief you can receive from FSM Frequency Specific Microcurrent 😊
If you have any other questions feel free to ask. In the meantime relax, drink your water and enjoy the relief you can receive from FSM Frequency Specific Microcurrent 😊
You can find an independent review of FSM at Cleveland Clinic:
Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit Academic Medical Centre based in Cleveland, Ohio, USA
You can find a list of qualified FSM Practitioners and verify their level of FSM training on the Frequency Specific Microcurrent Practitioner Locator. Click on Advanced Search and choose your country:
Recommended reading for anyone interested in learning more: "The Resonance Effect - how Frequency Specific Microcurrentis Changing Medicine" by Carolyn McMakin, Foreword by James L. Oschman, PhD. Available from Amazon